The Church builds the people........The people build the Church.




EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – Lay people are called by God to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at all the masses in the Parish.  In addition, they also bring Holy Communion to those who are sick and housebound.

The Eucharistic ministry works on a rota basis.       Training and support is given for this important ministry. There is also the occasional meeting/gathering, time to pray together and be renewed in our ministry.


MINISTERS OF THE WORD  - We as lay people are called by God through the Church to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. The reader in any liturgical celebration proclaims the Word of God.  The reader's task is to proclaim those parts of the Word of God which make way for the Gospel, prepare for it and set the scene so that the Gospel can be heard and take root in the hearts of the community.

In practical terms the reader must prepare well to ensure that the Word is heard, understood and appreciated. Ministers of the Word are the instrument of the personal dialogue between God and His people.

We are constantly looking for volunteers to read. If interested please contact the parish office



SACRISTANS are responsible for ensuring that the sacred vessels, altar, and general worship space are prepared for the celebration of the Mass. After Mass and after the sacred vessels are purified, the Sacristan is responsible for cleaning them, putting them away and ensuring the worship space is restored to normal.


ALTAR SERVERS are young boys and girls of the parish who have made their First Holy Communion. They serve at the various Masses and services in the parish of Claudy. If you are interested in becoming an altar server, please contact the parish priest or your teacher at school.  St. Stephen is the Patron Saint of altar servers.

ALTAR SOCIETY is a voluntary group of parishioners each week who clean the churches. We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain the cleanliness of the churches.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL - is a leadership group through which priests and people work together as partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own place. It does this through building up a vibrant Christian community that is rooted in baptism and marked by its faith, worship and service.

BAPTISMAL PREAPARATION MINISTRY provide instructions to parents prior to their child's Baptism assisting with Baptismal preparation and faith development. This is a time for deepening the faith commitment of the parents so they can step up as role models for their children.

FINANCE COUNCIL is created pursuant to Cannon Law for the purpose of serving and advising the priest on all budgetary and financial issues related to the parish. Three year term.


GROUNDS AND GRAVEYARD TEAMS advise the priest on the maintenance and improvement of the physical properties of the parish.


SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT de PAUL, a Catholic lay organization, well established in Claudy leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Practical help is offered to parishioners and local residents.

Anyone in need of  assistance should contact the confidential help line - 075 1820 8132.