Sacrament of Baptism

A few  years ago the Parish introduced new arrangements for baptisms.

Parish Baptisms 2023
Baptisms in the Parish will take place each Saturday in Craigbane at 2pm and  in Claudy at 3.30pm. You are welcome to book either church for the child’s baptism - please note Baptisms are shared with other families.


Please contact us via – e-mail: or ring the Parochial House on 02871 337727  and you will be advised of  a suitable date and please complete a Baptism registration card before date of Baptism.

As your child grows it is important to pray with them, share some bible stories,

visit the Church to light a candle for someone who is sick, attend Mass…etc.

We pray God’s Blessing upon you in the challenge ahead of bringing up your child in the faith….