Safeguarding - General Information.
Safeguarding Policy Statement in the Diocese of Derry
Derry Diocesan Safeguarding Office
Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street , Derry, BT48 6UJ
Tel:- 7136 2475. Fax:-7126 0970 Email:-
Safeguarding Coordinator: Mrs Briege O'Neill
Safeguarding Office, Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UJ
Tel:-7136 2475 Email :-
Administrative Officer: Mrs Anne Marie O'Brien
Safeguarding Office, Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UJ
Tel :-7136 2475 Email :-
Designated Liaison Person : Marie Gormley
Safeguarding Office, Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UJ
Mrs Kathleen Bradley (chair), Mrs Nicki Fallon, Mrs Angela McIntyre, Mr Pat Armstrong,
Very Rev John McDevitt, Mrs Frances Hawkins, Mrs Oonagh Robinson,
Dr Anne Doherty, Mr Charlie O'Donnell, Mr Leo McCloskey.
Child Safeguarding Trainer: Training in progress
Adult Safeguarding Trainer: Mrs Breige O'Neill